It´s time for fashion revolution
On 24th April each year, Fashion Revolution helps to raise awareness of the true cost of fashion and show the world that change is possible, and celebrate all those involved in creating a more sustainable future.
Fashion Revolution is a global movement calling for greater transparency, sustainability, and ethics in the fashion industry. They want to unite the fashion industry and ignite a revolution to radically change the way our clothes are sourced, produced and purchased so that what the world wears has been made in a safe, clean and fair way. Fashionrevolution.org mission is to bring everyone together to make that happen.
Why do we need a Fashion Revolution?
The global fashion industry is opaque, exploitative and environmentally damaging and desperately needs revolutionary change.

Who made my clothes?
In order to make the fashion industry accountable and sustainable, we first need to make it transparent. We believe transparency is the first step to transforming the industry. And it starts with one simple question: Who made my clothes? This is the focus for the next five years. We believe this simple question gets people thinking differently about what they wear. We need to know that as consumers, our questions, our voices, our shopping habits can have the power to help change things for the better. With more consumers encouraging brands to answer ‘who made my clothes?’, we believe Fashion Revolution has the power to push the industry to be more transparent.
This is a story about clothing. It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. The True Cost is a groundbreaking documentary film that pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider, who really pays the price for our clothing?
Filmed in countries all over the world, from the brightest runways to the darkest slums, and featuring interviews with the world’s leading influencers including Stella McCartney, Livia Firth and Vandana Shiva, The True Cost is an unprecedented project that invites us on an eye-opening journey around the world and into the lives of the many people and places behind our clothes.
- Be curious. Find out who made your clothes. Who grew the cotton, spun the threads, dyed the fabric and who sewed them together?
- Get in contact with brands, post a photo with their label and ask them #whomademyclothes to discover the real people throughout the supply chain.
- Check Fashion revolution page and find out how to get involved
- Download the ‘How to be a Fashion Revolutionary‘ booklet, below. It’s full of inspiration and ideas about how you can use your voice and your power to transform the fashion industry as we know it. Download
- Download the ‘#Haulternative: a guide for fashion lovers‘. It shows you how you can do a different kind of haul. A way of refreshing your wardrobe without buying new clothes. We call it the #haulternative. Download
- Check out Fashion Revolution fanzine #001 MONEY FASHION POWER, 72-pages of poetry, illustration, photography, graphic design and editorial, this collectible zine explores the hidden stories behind your clothing, what the price you pay for fashion means, and how your purchasing power can make a positive difference. Read it now
- My list of fair fashion brands.
Thank you,
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